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 8 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Edward Lamson Henry"Advanced Search
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The Attack on Chew's House during the Battle of Germantown, 1777, 1878. Creator: Edward Lamson Henry.
The Widower, 1873. Creator: Edward Lamson Henry.
Interior, 1870. Creator: Edward Lamson Henry.
The Country Store, 1885. Creator: Edward Lamson Henry.
Old Hook Mill, Easthampton, ca. 1880. Creator: Edward Lamson Henry.
The Old Westover House, 1869. Creator: Edward Lamson Henry.
The North Dutch Church, Fulton and William Streets, New York, 1869. Creator: Edward Lamson Henry.
'The 9:45 Accommodation', 1867. Artist: Edward Lamson Henry